Friday, June 12, 2009

Entering the Blogosphere

I want to be committed! Not in a straight jacket and lithium sort of way. Committed to making ME a better person, inside and out. I have far too long put myself aside for my husband, my son, my work... enough is enough! I am going to tell you something I've never told anyone. I have always wanted to work in the health industry. Nutritionist, personal trainer... I want to inspire people. But I can't because I'm fat. Who would listen to a fat girl when she can't even take her own advice? Being overweight all my life has certainly trained me to know what to do. I have read every book, subscribed to every health mag, and probably been on every weight loss program known to man. In 2001, I had 'the surgery'... back when it was still really taboo and scary to do. The Carnie Wilson-inspired gang. I was then 324 pounds (at a height of 5'9, still nothing to scoff at!). It is now 8 years later, and I am still well above my healthy goal weight. I am now 230. The past years have seen me hover between 210 and 250. I lose 20 pounds here or there and I claim a victory, but I never truly have felt victorious. I am still a generous size 18. Some styles a 16. I own a pair of 12's that I pretended fit me and now I look ridiculous wearing them but I still do just so I can feel like a 12. I know, I know... get over it already! Well instead of throwing out my skinny clothes, again.. I'm joining the blogosphere to commit myself to this once and for all, and hopefully achieve part of my dream to inspire others to lose weight and get healthy. I own a Wii Fit. I used it for a while. I have access to a free gym. I don't go. I just bought the new EA Sports Active yesterday and want to start their 30 day challenge. I want people to join me in it! Twitter has a group going that started on June 1st, but I didn't have it yet. So who's with me? Who wants some inspiration? I would love to chat about healthy eating, getting active, and what goals we are all setting to make this happen. I want to run a marathon someday. Right now I can't even run past the stop sign at the end of my street. Let's get committed and finally achieve our dreams!